plot - Mathematica 1/0 Infinite expression while plotting -

j = 0.05; b = 0.02; tload[t_] := 0.0; r1 = 2; \[alpha] = 30*\[pi]/180; d = 0.05; g = 0.001; nturns = 200; \[mu]0 = 4*\[pi]*10^(-7); r = 0.03; lm = 0.02; d = 0.1; w = sqrt[2*r^2 - 2*r^2*cos[2*a]]; rgmax = g/(\[mu]0*r*d); rm = lm/(\[mu]0*w*d); square[x_, x1_, x2_] := unitstep[x - x1]*(1 - unitstep[x - x2]) rg[\[theta]_] :=   rgmax/((2 \[alpha] - mod[\[theta][t], \[pi]])*      square[mod[\[theta][t], \[pi]], -2 \[alpha],        2 \[alpha]] + (2 \[alpha] - mod[-\[theta][t], \[pi]])*      square[mod[-\[theta][t], \[pi]], -2 \[alpha], 2 \[alpha]]) l[\[theta]_] :=   nturns^2/(   2*rg[\[theta]] +     rm) *(square[mod[\[theta][t], \[pi]], -2 \[alpha], 2 \[alpha]] +      square[mod[-\[theta][t], \[pi]], -2 \[alpha], 2 \[alpha]]) plot[l[\[theta]], {\[theta][t], -8 \[alpha], 8 \[alpha]},   plotrange -> all] 

i'm sorry not paste mathematica can show (newbie here). however, tried several solutions rid of 1/0 inf expression of l[theta] didn't it.

please, copy , paste notebook , run it.

i multiply l[theta] square function make undefined areas equal zero(f.e 2a, pi-2a should 0 other intervals) did not work.

how can identify function properly?

thanks in advance.


j=0.05; b=0.02; tload[t_]:=0.0; r1=2; \[alpha]=30*\[pi]/180; d=0.05; g=0.001; nturns=200; \[mu]0=4*\[pi]*10^-7; r=0.03; lm=0.02; d=0.1; w=sqrt[2*r^2-2*r^2*cos[2*\[alpha]]]; rgmax=g/(\[mu]0*r*d); rm=lm/(\[mu]0*w*d); square[x_, x1_, x2_]:=unitstep[x-x1]*(1-unitstep[x-x2]); rg[\[theta]_]:=rgmax/((2 \[alpha]-mod[\[theta],\[pi]])*square[mod[\[theta],   \[pi]],-2 \[alpha], 2 \[alpha]] +(2 \[alpha]-mod[-\[theta],\[pi]])*   square[mod[-\[theta],\[pi]],-2 \[alpha], 2 \[alpha]]); l[\[theta]_] := nturns^2/(2*rg[\[theta]]+rm)*(square[mod[\[theta],\[pi]],   -2 \[alpha],2 \[alpha]]+square[mod[-\[theta],\[pi]],-2 \[alpha], 2 \[alpha]]);  plot[l[\[theta]], {\[theta],-8 \[alpha],8 \[alpha]}, plotrange->all, plotpoints->200] 

the plot

all did fix versus alpha , theta[t] versus theta confusion.

theta variable , theta[t] function. there complicated explanation of this, not same thing , may mean different things mathematica. further stray conventional way of doing things in mathematica more confusing holes can fall no way of understanding why isn't doing expect to.


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