c++ - opengl camera zoom to cursor, avoiding > 90deg fov -
i'm trying set google maps style zoom-to-cursor control opengl camera. i'm using similar method 1 suggested here. basically, position of cursor, , calculate width/height of perspective view @ depth using trigonometry. change field of view, , calculate how need translate in order keep point under cursor in same apparent position on screen. part works pretty well.
the issue want limit fov less 90 degrees. when ends >90, cut in half , translate away camera resulting scene looks same larger fov. equation find necessary translation isn't working, strange because comes pretty simple algebra. can't find mistake. here's relevant code.
void visual::scroll_callback(glfwwindow* window, double xoffset, double yoffset) { glm::mat4 modelview = view*model; glm::vec4 viewport = { 0.0, 0.0, width, height }; float winx = cursorprevx; float winy = viewport[3] - cursorprevy; float winz; glreadpixels(winx, winy, 1, 1, gl_depth_component, gl_float, &winz); glm::vec3 screencoords = { winx, winy, winz }; glm::vec3 cursorposition = glm::unproject(screencoords, modelview, projection, viewport); if (isinf(cursorposition[2]) || isnan(cursorposition[2])) { cursorposition[2] = 0.0; } float zoomfactor = 1.1; // = zooming in if (yoffset > 0.0) zoomfactor = 1/1.1; //the width , height of perspective view, @ depth of cursor position glm::vec2 fovxy = camera.getfovxy(cursorposition[2] - ztranslate, width / height); camera.setzoomfromfov(fovxy.y * zoomfactor, cursorposition[2] - ztranslate); //don't want fov greater 90, cut in half , move world farther away camera compensate //not working... if (camera.zoom > 90.0 && ztranslate*2 > max_depth) { float prevzoom = camera.zoom; camera.zoom *= .5; //need increased distance between camera , world origin, view not appear change when fov reduced ztranslate = cursorposition[2] - tan(glm::radians(prevzoom)) / tan(glm::radians(camera.zoom) * (cursorposition[2] - ztranslate)); } else if (camera.zoom > 90.0) { camera.zoom = 90.0; } glm::vec2 newfovxy = camera.getfovxy(cursorposition[2] - ztranslate, width / height); //translate position under cursor not appear move. xtranslate += (newfovxy.x - fovxy.x) * (winx / width - .5); ytranslate += (newfovxy.y - fovxy.y) * (winy / height - .5); updateview = true; }
the definition of view matrix. called ever iteration of main loop.
void visual::setview() { view = glm::mat4(); view = glm::translate(view, { xtranslate,ytranslate,ztranslate }); view = glm::rotate(view, glm::radians(camera.inclination), glm::vec3(1.f, 0.f, 0.f)); view = glm::rotate(view, glm::radians(camera.azimuth), glm::vec3(0.f, 0.f, 1.f)); camera.right = glm::column(view, 0).xyz(); camera.up = glm::column(view, 1).xyz(); camera.front = -glm::column(view, 2).xyz(); // minus because opengl camera looks towards negative z. camera.position = glm::column(view, 3).xyz(); updateview = false; }
field of view helper functions.
glm::vec2 getfovxy(float depth, float aspectratio) { float fovy = tan(glm::radians(zoom / 2)) * depth; float fovx = fovy * aspectratio; return glm::vec2{ 2*fovx , 2*fovy }; } //you have desired fov, , want set zoom achieve that. //factor of 1/2 inside atan because need half-fov. keep full-fov input consistency void setzoomfromfov(float fovy, float depth) { zoom = glm::degrees(2 * atan(fovy / (2 * depth))); }
the equations i'm using can found diagram here. since want have same field of view dimensions before , after angle changed, start with
fovy = tan(theta1) * d1 = tan(theta2) * d2 d2 = (tan(theta1) / tan(theta2)) * d1 d1 = distance between camera , cursor position, before fov change = cursorposition[2] - ztranslate d2 = distance after theta1 = fov angle before theta2 = fov angle after = theta1 * .5
appreciate help.
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