java - Retrofit 2.0 parsing complex api -

i using retrofit consume weather api, before had deal own backend tweak parse data nicely. time getting json looks :

{   "city": {     "id": 838920,     "name": "ledine",     "coord": {       "lon": 20.34833,       "lat": 44.802502     },     "country": "rs",     "population": 0,     "sys": {       "population": 0     }   },   "cod": "200",   "message": 0.2644,   "cnt": 35,   "list": [     {       "dt": 1478271600,       "main": {         "temp": 281.58,         "temp_min": 280.9,         "temp_max": 281.58,         "pressure": 1024.56,         "sea_level": 1035.66,         "grnd_level": 1024.56,         "humidity": 90,         "temp_kf": 0.68       },       "weather": [         {           "id": 800,           "main": "clear",           "description": "clear sky",           "icon": "01d"         }       ],       "clouds": {         "all": 0       },       "wind": {         "speed": 3.04,         "deg": 106.5       },       "rain": {},       "sys": {         "pod": "d"       },       "dt_txt": "2016-11-04 15:00:00"     },      {       ......       ......     }   ] } 

the model have made seems complex, struggling last week or so. appreciated. thanks!

this simple :
model have :

public class weather implements serializable {   public cityobj city; public class  cityobj {     public string name;     public int id;     public coordobj coord;     public string country;     public string population;     public sysobj sys; }  public class coordobj {     public long lon;     public long lat;  } public class sysobj {     public int population; } . . .  } 


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