r - Dynamic and conditional inserting of new rows that come after a certain Date -

following data frames like(thanks nice edits experienced community):

library(data.table) df <- fread('account       date     blue     red   amount                        1/1/2016      1        0     100                          2/1/2016      1        1     200                 b          1/10/2016     0        1     300                 b          2/10/2016     1        1     400') df[, date := as.date(date, format="%m/%d/%y")]  blue <- fread('date      amount                 6/1/2015    55                    1/31/2016   55                    2/28/2016   65                    3/31/2016   75') blue[, date := as.date(date, format="%m/%d/%y")]  red <- fread('date      amount                12/31/2015  43                   1/15/2016   47                   2/15/2016   67                   3/15/2016   77') red[, date := as.date(date, format="%m/%d/%y")] 

in primary dataframe df, blue , red fields depict category account belongs @ given point in time.for example, of 1/1/2016, account belong blue category. blue , red dataframes depict @ dates cash given out accounts in blue , red category. want insert new rows in original df rows come after date field in df blue , red dataframes based on whether account belongs blue or red or both.

the output looking looks this:

  account       date         blue     red   amount                  1/1/2016      1        0     100                    1/31/2016     1        0     55                2/1/2016      1        1     200                2/15/2016     1        1     67                 2/28/2016     1        1     65                   3/15/2016     1        1     77                    3/31/2016     1        1     75          b          .............................. 

in output, of 1/1/2016 account a belongs blue category. goal find date after 1/1/2016 in blue table 1/31/2016 , insert it. don't want insert 1/15/2016 red table because account not category red of 1/1/2016. ok blue , red fields showing na inserted fields.

my thought trying rbind(df, blue, red), by="account") dont know how incorporate conditions of inserting later dates based on category account belongs @ given point in time.

a possible approach:

# combine 'blue' & 'red' 1 , create 'colcat' column on fly br <- rbindlist(list(blue, red),                  idcol = 'colcat')[, colcat := c('blue','red')[colcat]]  # loop on rows of 'df', select needed rows 'bluered'  # , punt result list brlist <- lapply(df$date, function(x) br[date > x][order(date)])  # loop on rows, select needed rows 'bluered' & bind them lst <- lapply(1:nrow(df), function(i) {   idx <- c('blue','red')[c(c(1)[!!df[i][['blue']]], c(2)[!!df[i][['red']]])]   incs <- brlist[[i]][colcat %in% idx][, .sd[1], colcat][, .(account = df$account[i], date, blue = df$blue[i], red = df$red[i], amount)]   rbind(df[i],incs) })  # bind resulting list 1 'data.table' again dt <- rbindlist(lst) 

which gives:

> dt     account       date blue red amount  1:       2016-01-01    1   0    100  2:       2016-01-31    1   0     55  3:       2016-02-01    1   1    200  4:       2016-02-15    1   1     67  5:       2016-02-28    1   1     65  6:       b 2016-01-10    0   1    300  7:       b 2016-01-15    0   1     47  8:       b 2016-02-10    1   1    400  9:       b 2016-02-15    1   1     67 10:       b 2016-02-28    1   1     65 


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