python - Django Rest Docs Show Wrong Urls -

i'm using django rest docs describe api built in django rest framework, urls it's displaying incorrect. specifically, prepend /admin/ everything:

enter image description here

these paths should /session-auth/, /session/, etc. don't know why /admin/ being preprended. here's file:

# urls serving static media , user uploaded media urlpatterns = patterns('',     (r'^static/(?p<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve',{'document_root': settings.static_url, 'show_indexes': true}), ) + static(settings.static_url, document_root=settings.static_root)   urlpatterns += patterns('myapp.views',     #home page     (r'^$', 'home'),      url(r'^docs/', include('rest_framework_docs.urls')),      # refresh locations     (r'^admin/refresh-all-locations/$', 'refresh_all_locations'),     # admin locations page     (r'^admin/all-locations/$',,     # admin     (r'^admin/', include(,      ####api urls####     # authenticate user     url(r'^session-auth/$', api.session.sessionauth.as_view(), name='authenticate'),     # update user password or email     url(r'^session/$', api.session.sessiondetail.as_view()),      # detail on 1 entity     url(r'^entities/(?p<entity_id>[0-9]+)/$', api.entity.entitydetail.as_view()), 


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