scala - Cannot compile example -
i have class:
class rational(n:int, d:int) { require(d!=0) private val g = gcd(n.abs, d.abs) val numer = n/g val denom = d/g def this(n: int) = this(n, 1); def add(that:rational): rational = new rational(numer * that.denom + that.numer * denom, denom * that.denom) override def tostring = numer+"/"+denom; private def gcd(a: int, b: int): int = if(b==0) else gcd(b, % b) }
and test class:
import rational object test extends app { val x = new rational(1/2) println("hello"); }
i'm trying compile them using
scalac test.scala rational.scala
but following error:
test.scala:3: error: '.' expected ';' found. object test extends app { ^ 1 error found
can guide me why not compiling. basic error
import rational
not valid syntax (because it's class)
as in default package, don't need import anyway
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