javascript - Calculation is not working with custom Cell Rendering with AJAX in Handsontable -

in table(handsontable) have 4 columns cars, a, b , c. data cars , a columns loaded mysql database. (like php demo).

data of column b populated mysql database via ajax depending on value of cars. code follows:

{type: { renderer : function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellproperties) {                 handsontable.textcell.renderer.apply(this, arguments);                 var cr,prc;                 cr = instance.getdataatcell(row, 0);                 prc = instance.getdataatcell(row, 1);                 $.ajax({                     url: "php/act-go-t.php",                     data: {cars: cr, price: prc},                      datatype: 'json',                     type: 'post',                     success: function (res) {                         if (res.result[0].tax === null) {                             td.innerhtml = '0.000';                             }                             else {                             td.innerhtml = res.result[0].tax;                             }                         },                         error: function () {                         td.innerhtml = '0.000';                         }                     });                                  }}} 

the c column sum of a , b , code is:

{type : { renderer : function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellproperties) {                     handsontable.textcell.renderer.apply(this, arguments);                     var a,b;                     = instance.getdataatcell(row, 1);                     b = instance.getdataatcell(row, 2);                                          td.innerhtml = +a + +b;                 }}} 

the problem although value loaded in b addition not working. if set type of b column numeric({type: numeric}) except ajax, addition working fine.

result ajax:

+----------+------+-------+--------------+ | cars     |    |    b  |            c |  +----------+------+-------+--------------+ | nissan   |   20 |    10 |          20  |   | honda    |    5 |     6 |           5  |     +----------+------+-------+--------------+ 

result without ajax:

+----------+------+-------+-------------+ | cars     |    |    b  |           c | +----------+------+-------+-------------+ | nissan   |   20 |    10 |         30  |   | honda    |    5 |     6 |          11 |    - +----------+------+-------+-------------+ 

can please tell me if missing something?

in case td.innerhtml = res.result[0].tax; displaying data, not inserts data datamap.

you may try set id cell , value of jquery , summing them up. codes that:

{type: { renderer : function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellproperties) {                  var cr,prc;                 cr = instance.getdataatcell(row, 0);                 prc = instance.getdataatcell(row, 1);                 $.ajax({                     url: "php/act-go-t.php",                     data: {cars: cr, price: prc},                      datatype: 'json',                     type: 'post',                     success: function (res) {                         if (res.result[0].tax === null) {                             td.innerhtml = '0.000';                                                             }                             else {                             td.innerhtml = res.result[0].tax;                                                             }                         },                         error: function () {                         td.innerhtml = '0.000';                                                     }                     });                   arguments[5] = td.innerhtml;        = row+'_'+col;                 handsontable.textcell.renderer.apply(this, arguments);                  }}} 


{type : { renderer : function (instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellproperties) {                     handsontable.textcell.renderer.apply(this, arguments);                     var a,b;                     = $('#'+row+'_1').text();                     b = $('#'+row+'_2').text();                                          td.innerhtml = +a + +b;                 }}} 


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