importing project in android Studio built with eclipse and libGDX -
first, import project in android studio, since project had many modules avoid errors appears, should add details gradle (dependencies ...). so, fixed errors , building of project finished 1 warning when tried run project got many errors.
messages of build (warnings)
information:gradle tasks [clean, :projectnameandroid:generatedebugsources, :projectnameandroid:mockableandroidjar, :projectnameandroid:preparedebugunittestdependencies, :projectnameandroid:generatedebugandroidtestsources, :projectnameandroid:compiledebugsources, :projectnameandroid:compiledebugunittestsources, :projectnameandroid:compiledebugandroidtestsources] warning:[options] bootstrap class path not set in conjunction -source 1.7 information:build successful information:total time: 1 mins 1.934 secs information:0 errors information:1 warning information:see complete output in console
messages of run(errors)
information:gradle tasks [:projectnameandroid:clean, :projectnameandroid:generatedebugsources, :projectnameandroid:mockableandroidjar, :projectnameandroid:preparedebugunittestdependencies, :projectnameandroid:generatedebugandroidtestsources, :projectnameandroid:assembledebug] error:warning: ignoring innerclasses attribute anonymous inner class error:(com.sun.jna.native$1) doesn't come error:associated enclosingmethod attribute. class produced error:compiler did not target modern .class file format. recommended error:solution recompile class source, using up-to-date compiler error:and without specifying "-target" type options. consequence of ignoring error:this warning reflective operations on class incorrectly error:indicate *not* inner class. error:warning: ignoring innerclasses attribute anonymous inner class error:(com.sun.jna.native$3) doesn't come error:associated enclosingmethod attribute. class produced error:compiler did not target modern .class file format. recommended error:solution recompile class source, using up-to-date compiler error:and without specifying "-target" type options. consequence of ignoring error:this warning reflective operations on class incorrectly error:indicate *not* inner class. error:warning: ignoring innerclasses attribute anonymous inner class error:(com.sun.jna.native$4) doesn't come error:associated enclosingmethod attribute. class produced error:compiler did not target modern .class file format. recommended error:solution recompile class source, using up-to-date compiler error:and without specifying "-target" type options. consequence of ignoring error:this warning reflective operations on class incorrectly error:indicate *not* inner class. error:warning: ignoring innerclasses attribute anonymous inner class error:(com.sun.jna.native$5) doesn't come error:associated enclosingmethod attribute. class produced error:compiler did not target modern .class file format. recommended error:solution recompile class source, using up-to-date compiler error:and without specifying "-target" type options. consequence of ignoring error:this warning reflective operations on class incorrectly error:indicate *not* inner class. error:warning: ignoring innerclasses attribute anonymous inner class error:(com.sun.jna.native$6) doesn't come error:associated enclosingmethod attribute. class produced error:compiler did not target modern .class file format. recommended error:solution recompile class source, using up-to-date compiler error:and without specifying "-target" type options. consequence of ignoring error:this warning reflective operations on class incorrectly error:indicate *not* inner class. error:warning: ignoring innerclasses attribute anonymous inner class error:(com.sun.jna.native$7) doesn't come error:associated enclosingmethod attribute. class produced error:compiler did not target modern .class file format. recommended error:solution recompile class source, using up-to-date compiler error:and without specifying "-target" type options. consequence of ignoring error:this warning reflective operations on class incorrectly error:indicate *not* inner class. error:warning: ignoring innerclasses attribute anonymous inner class error:(com.sun.jna.native$2) doesn't come error:associated enclosingmethod attribute. class produced error:compiler did not target modern .class file format. recommended error:solution recompile class source, using up-to-date compiler error:and without specifying "-target" type options. consequence of ignoring error:this warning reflective operations on class incorrectly error:indicate *not* inner class. error:warning: ignoring innerclasses attribute anonymous inner class error:(com.sun.jna.nativelibrary$1) doesn't come error:associated enclosingmethod attribute. class produced error:compiler did not target modern .class file format. recommended error:solution recompile class source, using up-to-date compiler error:and without specifying "-target" type options. consequence of ignoring error:this warning reflective operations on class incorrectly error:indicate *not* inner class. error:warning: ignoring innerclasses attribute anonymous inner class error:(com.sun.jna.nativelibrary$2) doesn't come error:associated enclosingmethod attribute. class produced error:compiler did not target modern .class file format. recommended error:solution recompile class source, using up-to-date compiler error:and without specifying "-target" type options. consequence of ignoring error:this warning reflective operations on class incorrectly error:indicate *not* inner class. error:warning: ignoring innerclasses attribute anonymous inner class error:(com.sun.jna.structure$1) doesn't come error:associated enclosingmethod attribute. class produced error:compiler did not target modern .class file format. recommended error:solution recompile class source, using up-to-date compiler error:and without specifying "-target" type options. consequence of ignoring error:this warning reflective operations on class incorrectly error:indicate *not* inner class. error:warning: ignoring innerclasses attribute anonymous inner class error:(com.sun.jna.structure$2) doesn't come error:associated enclosingmethod attribute. class produced error:compiler did not target modern .class file format. recommended error:solution recompile class source, using up-to-date compiler error:and without specifying "-target" type options. consequence of ignoring error:this warning reflective operations on class incorrectly error:indicate *not* inner class. error:warning: ignoring innerclasses attribute anonymous inner class error:(com.sun.jna.win32.w32apioptions$1) doesn't come error:associated enclosingmethod attribute. class produced error:compiler did not target modern .class file format. recommended error:solution recompile class source, using up-to-date compiler error:and without specifying "-target" type options. consequence of ignoring error:this warning reflective operations on class incorrectly error:indicate *not* inner class. error:warning: ignoring innerclasses attribute anonymous inner class error:(com.sun.jna.win32.w32apioptions$2) doesn't come error:associated enclosingmethod attribute. class produced error:compiler did not target modern .class file format. recommended error:solution recompile class source, using up-to-date compiler error:and without specifying "-target" type options. consequence of ignoring error:this warning reflective operations on class incorrectly error:indicate *not* inner class. error:warning: ignoring innerclasses attribute anonymous inner class error:(com.sun.jna.win32.w32apitypemapper$1) doesn't come error:associated enclosingmethod attribute. class produced error:compiler did not target modern .class file format. recommended error:solution recompile class source, using up-to-date compiler error:and without specifying "-target" type options. consequence of ignoring error:this warning reflective operations on class incorrectly error:indicate *not* inner class. error:warning: ignoring innerclasses attribute anonymous inner class error:(com.sun.jna.win32.w32apitypemapper$2) doesn't come error:associated enclosingmethod attribute. class produced error:compiler did not target modern .class file format. recommended error:solution recompile class source, using up-to-date compiler error:and without specifying "-target" type options. consequence of ignoring error:this warning reflective operations on class incorrectly error:indicate *not* inner class. error:trouble processing "javax/xml/namespace/qname.class": error:ill-advised or mistaken usage of core class (java.* or javax.*) error:when not building core library. error:this due inadvertently including core library file error:in application's project, when using ide (such error:eclipse). if sure you're not intentionally defining error:core class, explanation of what's error:going on. error:however, might trying define class in core error:namespace, source of may have taken, example, error:from non-android virtual machine project. error:assuredly not work. @ minimum, jeopardizes error:compatibility of app future versions of platform. error:it of questionable legality. error:if intend build core library -- error:appropriate part of creating full virtual machine error:distribution, opposed compiling application -- use error:the "--core-library" option suppress error message. error:if go ahead , use "--core-library" in fact error:building application, forewarned application error:will still fail build or run, @ point. please error:prepared angry customers find, example, error:application ceases function once upgrade operating error:system. blame problem. error:if legitimately using code happens in error:core package, easiest safe alternative have error:repackage code. is, move classes in question error:your own package namespace. means never in error:conflict core system classes. jarjar tool may error:you in endeavor. if find cannot this, error:that indication path on error:lead pain, suffering, grief, , lamentation. error:1 error; aborting information:build failed information:total time: 3 mins 54.416 secs information:153 errors information:0 warnings information:see complete output in console
gradle of project :
// top-level build file can add configuration options common sub-projects/modules. buildscript { repositories { jcenter() } dependencies { classpath '' } } allprojects { repositories { jcenter() } }
gradle of java module
apply plugin: 'java' dependencies { sourcecompatibility = 1.7 targetcompatibility = 1.7 compile files('libs/game_lib.jar') compile files('libs/gdx-box2d.jar') compile files('libs/gdx-freetype.jar') compile files('libs/gdx-tools.jar') compile files('libs/gdx.jar') //compile files('libs/gdx-box2d-sources.jar') //compile files('libs/gdx-freetype-sources.jar') //compile files('libs/gdx-sources.jar') //compile files('libs/gdx-tools-sources.jar') }
gradle of android module
apply plugin: '' android { compilesdkversion 25 buildtoolsversion '24.0.3' defaultconfig { applicationid "com.amine.mygame" minsdkversion 9 targetsdkversion 23 } buildtypes { release { minifyenabled false proguardfiles getdefaultproguardfile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.txt' } } } dependencies { compile project(':junglebike') compile '' compile files('libs/adbuddiz-2.4.4.jar') compile files('libs/gdx-backend-android.jar') compile '' compile files('libs/game_lib.jar') compile files('libs/gdx-box2d.jar') compile files('libs/gdx-freetype.jar') compile files('libs/gdx-tools.jar') compile files('libs/gdx.jar') //compile files('libs/gdx-box2d-sources.jar') //compile files('libs/gdx-freetype-sources.jar') //compile files('libs/gdx-sources.jar') //compile files('libs/gdx-tools-sources.jar') }
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