r - remove value using grepl -

i trying remove retweets (strings start rt) dataset, grepl command doesn't seem work right.

this works fine:

grepl("[^rt|rt][:alnum]",c("rt hi","rt boo","rtlolo","im goodrt"),ignore.case=t)

this fails. why?

data<-structure(list(data = c("rt @4mysquad: makes me sick!\\n#whiteprivilege\\n#blacklivesmatter \\n#policestate https:\\/\\/t.co\\/ndl0ahwwtd",                                "rt @weaselzippers: d.c. police want identifying #blacklivesmatter supporters beat , left hero marine dead\\u2026 https:\\/\\/t.co\\/tbmo\\u2026",                                "rt @vicegandako: #prayformannypacquiao #lovewins", "\\dig out of binaries of right , wrong\\ - #blacklivesmatter @ mizzou",                                "even democrats think #bernie 's ideas unrealistic #insane #unlv #bigbangtheory #hillary2016 #blacklivesmatter https:\\/\\/t.co\\/itdyxoavtk",                                "rt @eelawl1966: former naacp president ben jealous endorses bernie sanders\\n#blacklivesmatter #blm #bernie2016 \\n https:\\/\\/t.co\\/qom1kmwlhs",                                "#saynotohillary #nomoreclintons #feelthebern #berniesanders #blacklivesmatter #disabled4bernie #women4bernie... https:\\/\\/t.co\\/i8f21iljgv",                                "rt @joshuamannery: #blacklivesmatter \\ud83d\\udc4a\\ud83c\\udffd https:\\/\\/t.co\\/tceitkkghd",                                "lang:und", "@foxnews did not say, \\yes\\? story won't gain traction bc it's not reflective of #blacklivesmatter movement",                                "president barack obama doing big things cuba + #blacklivesmatter https:\\/\\/t.co\\/6gejreoiuc",                                "rt @uberarabic: \\u0644\\u0644\\u0639\\u0644\\u0645 \\u0639\\u0642\\u0648\\u0628\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062b\\u0644\\u064a\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0641\\u064a \\u062c\\u0645\\u064a\\u0639 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062f\\u0627\\u064a\\u0627\\u0646\\u0627\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0633\\u0645\\u0627\\u0648\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0647\\u064a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0642\\u062a\\u0644\\n\\n#lovewins",                                "rt @aishayesufu: let's not forget 219#chibokgirls still in captivity today 676 days \\n#nevertobeforgotten #cryingtoberescued #bringbackourgi\\u2026",                                "rt @arctic_matters: chukchi sea. #lovewins https:\\/\\/t.co\\/gh8kzgvzk3",                                ". @doublefine r u joking, tim u know servers aren't working dumb asshole #gamergate",                                "rt @realkingcalii: #blacklivesmatter kendrick lamar \\alright\\ - https:\\/\\/t.co\\/amlrn0fksa",                                "rt @dreamersmoms: community representing #cca &amp; @geogroups making dirty $$$$ w\\/immigrants. #weareflorida #not1more #immigration https:\\/\\/t.c\\u2026",                                "id_str:700012325831581696", "rt @dreamersmoms: con compa\\u00f1eras de carolina del norte apoy\\u00e1ndonos en #tallahassee. #proteccionnodeportation #not1more @grisalonso https:\\/\\/\\u2026",                                "rt @ikeisaacson2: hey #blacklivesmatter hate crime done racists in name. https:\\/\\/t.co\\/6ugsxajcrm" )), .names = "data", row.names = c(na, 20l), class = "data.frame")  data[grepl("[^rt|rt][:alnum]",data,ignore.case=t)] 

this question uses twitter data, has different approach

we specify pattern characters start (^) rt followed 1 or more spaces (\\s+) , ignore.case = true, elements start rt followed space.

grepl("^rt\\s+",c("rt hi","rt boo","rtlolo","im goodrt"), ignore.case=true) #[1] true true false false  grep("^rt\\s+", data$data, ignore.case=true, value = true)  #[1] "rt @4mysquad: makes me sick!\\n#whiteprivilege\\n#blacklivesmatter \\n#policestate https:\\/\\/t.co\\/ndl0ahwwtd"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    #[2] "rt @weaselzippers: d.c. police want identifying #blacklivesmatter supporters beat , left hero marine dead\\u2026 https:\\/\\/t.co\\/tbmo\\u2026"                                                                                                                                                                                                                           #[3] "rt @vicegandako: #prayformannypacquiao #lovewins"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         #[4] "rt @eelawl1966: former naacp president ben jealous endorses bernie sanders\\n#blacklivesmatter #blm #bernie2016 \\n https:\\/\\/t.co\\/qom1kmwlhs"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        #[5] "rt @joshuamannery: #blacklivesmatter \\ud83d\\udc4a\\ud83c\\udffd https:\\/\\/t.co\\/tceitkkghd"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          #[6] "rt @uberarabic: \\u0644\\u0644\\u0639\\u0644\\u0645 \\u0639\\u0642\\u0648\\u0628\\u0629 \\u0627\\u0644\\u0645\\u062b\\u0644\\u064a\\u064a\\u0646 \\u0641\\u064a \\u062c\\u0645\\u064a\\u0639 \\u0627\\u0644\\u062f\\u0627\\u064a\\u0627\\u0646\\u0627\\u062a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0633\\u0645\\u0627\\u0648\\u064a\\u0629 \\u0647\\u064a \\u0627\\u0644\\u0642\\u062a\\u0644\\n\\n#lovewins"  #[7] "rt @aishayesufu: let's not forget 219#chibokgirls still in captivity today 676 days \\n#nevertobeforgotten #cryingtoberescued #bringbackourgi\\u2026"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     #[8] "rt @arctic_matters: chukchi sea. #lovewins https:\\/\\/t.co\\/gh8kzgvzk3"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 #[9] "rt @realkingcalii: #blacklivesmatter kendrick lamar \\alright\\ - https:\\/\\/t.co\\/amlrn0fksa"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         #[10] "rt @dreamersmoms: community representing #cca &amp; @geogroups making dirty $$$$ w\\/immigrants. #weareflorida #not1more #immigration https:\\/\\/t.c\\u2026"                                                                                                                                                                                                                            #[11] "rt @dreamersmoms: con compa\\u00f1eras de carolina del norte apoy\\u00e1ndonos en #tallahassee. #proteccionnodeportation #not1more @grisalonso https:\\/\\/\\u2026"                                                                                                                                                                                                                      #[12] "rt @ikeisaacson2: hey #blacklivesmatter hate crime done racists in name. https:\\/\\/t.co\\/6ugsxajcrm"            


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