scala - How to test a controller in Play Framework with a functional test -

i'm trying make functional test controller play framework version 2.5.9.

i have controller called homecontroller

@singleton class homecontroller @inject()(implicit exec: executioncontext) extends controller {     def index = action.async {         future{             ok(views.html.index("home"))         }      } } 

my view looks this

@(message: string)  @main("home") {     <h2>welcome</h2> } 

the arguments in @main goes in title of page , test looks this

class applicationtwospec extends playspec oneserverpersuite onebrowserpersuite htmlunitfactory{    implicit val ec =    val homecontroller = new homecontroller()    implicit override lazy val app =      new guiceapplicationbuilder()       .router(router.from{         case get(p"/") => homecontroller.index       })       .build()      "the sample controler server" must {      "have home in title" in {       go s"http://localhost:9000/"       pagetitle mustbe "home"     }   }  } 

when run test back

must return , ok response *** failed *** "[]" not equal "[home]" (applicationtwospec.scala:37) 

what need have yeild proper response?

i found problem after going source code of both scala test plus , playframework.

go s"http://localhost:9000/" 


go s"http://localhost:$port/" 

an implicit lazy val port specified in oneserverpersuite trait , gets default value play.api.test.helpers package defaults port 19001. if needed port 9000 override port using

implicit override lazy val port = 9000 


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