javascript - Trouble declaring and linking a controller together in my app -

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so have 3 files. there source folder contains app.js file , contains folder called sheets_api_quickstart, contains quickstart.js, , folder called project, contains waiting_list.html

i attempted set controller call function test() waiting_list.html using button. unfortunately app won't start after trying implement this. gives console error failed load resource: net::err_connection_refused

is there obvious i'm missing or doing wrong?


var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var fs = require('fs'); var myapp = angular.module('myapp.controllers', []); //var file = "daycaredb.db"; //var exists = fs.existssync(file); //var db = opendatabase(file);  app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/project'));  app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/'));   app.get('/', function (req, res) {     res.sendfile('project/home.html', {root: __dirname }); });   app.listen(3000); console.log("running @ port 3000"); 


angular.module('myapp.controllers').controller('quickstartcontroller', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http){   var fs = require('fs'); var updatedb = require('./updatedb.js'); var readline = require('readline'); var google = require('googleapis'); var googleauth = require('google-auth-library'); var splitdata;   // if modifying these scopes, delete saved credentials // @ ~/.credentials/ var scopes = ['']; var token_dir = (process.env.home || process.env.homepath ||     process.env.userprofile) + '/.credentials/'; var token_path = token_dir + ''; var array = [];  var test = function(){   console.log("hello world"); }  var run = {   runquickstart : function() {     // load client secrets local file.     fs.readfile('client_secret.json', function processclientsecrets(err, content) {       if (err) {         console.log('error loading client secret file: ' + err);         return;       }       // authorize client loaded credentials, call       // google sheets api.       authorize(json.parse(content), listchildren);     });   },    test : function(){     console.log("hello world");   } }  /**  * create oauth2 client given credentials, , execute  * given callback function.  *  * @param {object} credentials authorization client credentials.  * @param {function} callback callback call authorized client.  */ function authorize(credentials, callback) {   var clientsecret = credentials.installed.client_secret;   var clientid = credentials.installed.client_id;   var redirecturl = credentials.installed.redirect_uris[0];   var auth = new googleauth();   var oauth2client = new auth.oauth2(clientid, clientsecret, redirecturl);    // check if have stored token.   fs.readfile(token_path, function(err, token) {     if (err) {       getnewtoken(oauth2client, callback);     }      else {       oauth2client.credentials = json.parse(token);       callback(oauth2client);     }   }); }  /**  * , store new token after prompting user authorization, ,  * execute given callback authorized oauth2 client.  *  * @param {google.auth.oauth2} oauth2client oauth2 client token for.  * @param {geteventscallback} callback callback call authorized  *     client.  */ function getnewtoken(oauth2client, callback) {   var authurl = oauth2client.generateauthurl({     access_type: 'offline',     scope: scopes   });   console.log('authorize app visiting url: ', authurl);   var rl = readline.createinterface({     input: process.stdin,     output: process.stdout   });   rl.question('enter code page here: ', function(code) {     rl.close();     oauth2client.gettoken(code, function(err, token) {       if (err) {         console.log('error while trying retrieve access token', err);         return;       }       oauth2client.credentials = token;       storetoken(token);       callback(oauth2client);     });   }); }  /**  * store token disk used in later program executions.  *  * @param {object} token token store disk.  */ function storetoken(token) {   try {     fs.mkdirsync(token_dir);   }    catch (err) {     if (err.code != 'eexist') {       throw err;     }   }   fs.writefile(token_path, json.stringify(token));   console.log('token stored ' + token_path); }  /**  * print information children registered, store information in database.  */ function listchildren(auth) {   var sheets = google.sheets('v4');   sheets.spreadsheets.values.get({     auth: auth,     spreadsheetid: '1ev8s8aaamxf3vp0f6rwxkiulvf6ufemsrofwa1onbyi', //this can found in url of our google sheet     range: 'form responses 1!a2:x2',   }, function(err, response) {       if (err) {         console.log('the api returned error: ' + err);         return;       }       var rows = response.values;       if (!rows) {         console.log('no data found.');         return;       }        else {         updatedb.inputformtodb.apply(this, rows);         console.log('form responses');         (var = 0; < rows.length; i++) {           var row = rows[i];           // print columns through x, correspond indices 0 through 23.           console.log('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s', row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8], row[9],row[10], row[11], row[12], row[13], row[14], row[15], row[16], row[17], row[18], row[19], row[20], row[21], row[22], row[23]);         }         var spreadsheetid = '1ev8s8aaamxf3vp0f6rwxkiulvf6ufemsrofwa1onbyi'; //this can found in url of our google sheet         var requests = [];         requests.push({           "deletedimension": {             "range": {               "sheetid": 1484177643, //this can found after string 'gid=' in url of our google sheet               "dimension": "rows",               "startindex": 1,               "endindex": 2             }           }         });         requests.push({           "insertdimension": {             "range": {               "sheetid": 1484177643, //this can found after string 'gid=' in url of our google sheet               "dimension": "rows",               "startindex": 499,               "endindex": 500             }           }         });         var batchupdaterequest = {requests: requests}         sheets.spreadsheets.batchupdate({           auth: auth,           spreadsheetid: spreadsheetid, //this can found in url of our google sheet           resource: batchupdaterequest         }, function(err, response) {             if(err) {               // handle error               console.log(err);             }             else{               sheets.spreadsheets.values.get({                 auth: auth,                 spreadsheetid: '1ev8s8aaamxf3vp0f6rwxkiulvf6ufemsrofwa1onbyi', //this can found in url of our google sheet                 range: 'form responses 1!a2',               }, function(err, response) {                   if (err) {                     console.log('the api returned error: ' + err);                     return;                   }                   var cell = response.values;                   if (!cell) {                     console.log('sheet empty now.');                     return;                   }                    else {                     settimeout(function() { listchildren(auth); },1150);                   }               });             }         });       }   }); }  module.exports = run;  }]); 


<doctype! html> <html>   <head>  <script type="text/javascript" src="waitinglist.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> .tftable {     width:100%;     border: 1px solid black;     background-color: black; /*  border-collapse: collapse; */     padding: 5px; } /*  define background color odd background rows  */     .tftable tr:nth-child(odd){          background: #b8d1f3;     }     /*  define background color background rows  */     .tftable tr:nth-child(even){         background: #dae5f4;     } </style> <script type="text/javascript" src="updatedb.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="quickstart.js"></script> <script src="app.js"></script> <script src="quickstart.js"></script>  </head> <body ng-app="myapp" ng-controller="quickstartcontroller">  <h1>waiting list testing</h1>  <button type="button" onclick="()" ng-submit="test()">refresh list</button> <div id="display"></div>  <table class = "tftable">     <tr>     <th>child's name</th>     <th>d.o.b.</th>     <th>phone number</th>     <th>primany parent name</th>     <th>primanry parent status</th>     <th>secondary parent name</th>     <th>secondary parent status</th>     <th>date of app.</th>     <th>desired start date</th>     <th>class</th>     <th>days</th>     <th>view profile</th>     <th>accept</th> </tr> <tr>     <th>jessica brown</th>     <th>06/04/2007</th>         <th>(123)456-7890</th>         <th>john brown</th>         <th>student</th>         <th>jane brown</th>         <th>comunaty</th>         <th>10/31/2016</th>         <th>1/1/2017</th>         <th>in</th>         <th>mwf</th> <!-- make shure button code between <th> , </th> tags -->         <th><button type="button" onclick="profile()"> profile</button></th>         <th><button type="button" onclick="accept()">accept</button> </th>  </table>  <p id="accepted"></p>  <script>  function accept(){     confirm("you clicked accept! \nnothing has happened.\n thank you."); }  function profile(){     window.location.href = 'demopage.html'; }  </script>   </body> </html> 

you mixing front-end , back-end. node.js server side language, , angular client side. while work together, don't manage them same script. think you'll want full mean stack tutorial untangle of this.


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