.net - How to handle click event on shapes of System.Drawing -
i've been trying reach following result in winforms vb.net application
where each arc or circle in image clickable , clickable arc colored in pink.
i managed write following code
private sub form1_paint(byval sender system.object, byval e system.windows.forms.painteventargs) handles mybase.paint 'create pen objects dim p new pen(color.green, 30) dim p1 new pen(color.yellow, 30) dim p2 new pen(color.red, 30) dim p3 new pen(color.blue, 30) 'create rectangle objects dim rt new rectangle(160, 150, 80, 100) dim rt1 new rectangle(100, 150, 80, 100) dim rt2 new rectangle(130, 120, 80, 100) dim rt3 new rectangle(130, 180, 80, 100) 'draw arcs e.graphics.drawarc(p, rt, 45, -90) e.graphics.drawarc(p1, rt1, -135, -90) e.graphics.drawarc(p2, rt2, -45, -90) e.graphics.drawarc(p3, rt3, 135, -90) end sub
that resulted following output .
what didn't figure out :
1- how make border each of arcs.
2- how handle clicks on each of arcs.
is there better way way i'am trying pull off.
any appreciated .
special reza aghaei , used in solution following code
edit: improved answer
disposing graphics path , , making code neater
imports system.drawing.drawing2d public class surfaceselection private sub surfaceselection_click(sender object, e mouseeventargs) handles me.click dim hitsurface string = string.empty if getpath(enumsclass.surfacesenum.l).isvisible(e.location) hitsurface = "l" elseif getpath(enumsclass.surfacesenum.m).isvisible(e.location) hitsurface = "m" elseif getpath(enumsclass.surfacesenum.f).isvisible(e.location) hitsurface = "f" elseif getpath(enumsclass.surfacesenum.d).isvisible(e.location) hitsurface = "d" else hitsurface = "missed" end if msgbox(hitsurface) end sub private sub surfaceselection_paint(byval sender system.object, byval e system.windows.forms.painteventargs) handles mybase.paint me.drawpath(enumsclass.surfacesenum.l, e) me.drawpath(enumsclass.surfacesenum.m, e) me.drawpath(enumsclass.surfacesenum.f, e) me.drawpath(enumsclass.surfacesenum.d, e) end sub private sub drawpath(byval v_bytsurface enumsclass.surfacesenum, byval e system.windows.forms.painteventargs) using p graphicspath = getpath(v_bytsurface) e.graphics.fillpath(brushes.green, p) e.graphics.drawpath(pens.black, p) end using end sub private function getpath(byval v_bytsurface enumsclass.surfacesenum) graphicspath dim path new graphicspath dim center = new point(100, 100) dim innerr = 70 dim thickness = 20 dim startangle = getgraphicspathangle(v_bytsurface) dim arclength = 70 dim outerr = innerr + thickness dim outerrect = new rectangle(center.x - outerr, center.y - outerr, 2 * outerr, 2 * outerr) dim innerrect = new rectangle(center.x - innerr, center.y - innerr, 2 * innerr, 2 * innerr) path.addarc(outerrect, startangle, arclength) path.addarc(innerrect, startangle + arclength, -arclength) path.closefigure() return path end function private function getgraphicspathangle(byval v_bytsurface enumsclass.surfacesenum) integer select case v_bytsurface case enumsclass.surfacesenum.f return 235 case enumsclass.surfacesenum.o return 0 case enumsclass.surfacesenum.l return 55 case enumsclass.surfacesenum.m return 145 case enumsclass.surfacesenum.d return 325 case enumsclass.surfacesenum.unspecified return -1 end select end function end class public class enumsclass public enum surfacesenum byte unspecified = 0 f = 1 o = 2 l = 3 m = 4 d = 5 end enum end class
i used reza's answer in following stackoverflow question :
how draw circular progressbar pie using graphicspath in winform?
how can treat circle control after drawing it? - moving , selecting shapes
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