ios - Added site is not blocked with content blocker -
hi writing simple content blocker app. in app want allow user add website wants block , block reasons content blocker doesn't block newly added website reasons. used sfcontentblockermanager.reloadcontentblocker(withidentifier: blockeridentifier) prints success reasons doesn't work.
import uikit import cartography import swiftyjson import safariservices protocol myprotocol{ func deletesite(num:int) } class viewcontroller: uiviewcontroller, uitableviewdelegate, uitableviewdatasource, myprotocol { var tableview: uitableview = uitableview() var arr = [string]() func deletesite(num: int) { if let path = bundle.main.path(forresource: "blockerlist", oftype: "json"){ guard let data = nsdata(contentsof: url(fileurlwithpath: path)) else{ return } // json(data: data data)[num] = nil var jsonobj = json(data: data data) // jsonobj.arrayobject?.remove(at: num) print(jsonobj) if jsonobj != json.null { // jsonobj.arrayobject[num] = jsonobj[num] = nil // print("hello work here \(jsonobj.arrayvalue.remove(at: num))") tableview.reloaddata() // jsonobj.arrayobject?.remove(at: num) } else { print("could not json file, make sure file contains valid json.") } } } override func viewdidload() { super.viewdidload() let blockeridentifier = "saltaim.selfcontrol2.blocker" sfcontentblockermanager.reloadcontentblocker(withidentifier: blockeridentifier) {error in if error == nil { print("success") } else { print("----------------------------------------------") print(error) print("----------------------------------------------") } } super.view.backgroundcolor =; //let blockeridentifier = "com.appsfoundation.contentblocker.blocker" //sfcontentblockermanager. // print("--------------------") //print(filemanager.default.c) //bundle(for: contentblockerrequesthandler) //print(bundle.main.path(forresource: "blocker/blockerlist", oftype: "json")) //print(bundle.main.path(forresource: "blockerlist", oftype: "json")) //print("--------------------") //bundle.main.url // //filemanager.default.containerurl(forsecurityapplicationgroupidentifier: <#t##string#>) // print(bundle.main.url(forresource: "blocker/blockerlist", withextension: "json")) // bundle.init(for: contentblockerrequesthandler) // print(bundle.main.paths(forresourcesoftype: "blockerlist.json", indirectory: "blocker")) tableview.register(mytableviewcell.self, forcellreuseidentifier: "cell") if let path = bundle.main.path(forresource: "blockerlist", oftype: "json"){ guard let data = nsdata(contentsof: url(fileurlwithpath: path)) else{ return } let jsonobj = json(data: data data) print(jsonobj) if jsonobj != json.null { // print("hello work here \(jsonobj["trigger"])") guard let arr1 = jsonobj.array else{ return; } var count = arr1.count; index in 0...count-1{ //print("-------") // print(jsonobj[index]["trigger"]["url-filter"].stringvalue) arr.append(jsonobj[index]["trigger"]["url-filter"].stringvalue); } //for } else { print("could not json file, make sure file contains valid json.") } // } // arr.append("hello") // arr.append("my name ") let button = uibutton(); button.settitle("+", for: .normal) button.addtarget(self, action: #selector(buttonpressed), for: .touchupinside) // button.titlelabel?.text = "+" self.view.addsubview(tableview) self.view.addsubview(button) tableview.delegate = self tableview.datasource = self constrain(tableview, view, button){ tableview, view, button in tableview.width == view.width tableview.height == view.height - 50 == tableview.right == view.right button.height == 50 button.width == view.width == view.bottom - 50 button.right == view.right } //arr = array() // additional setup after loading view, typically nib. // self.view.backgroundcolor = uicolor.redcolor(); } func buttonpressed(){ // print("i pressed") //var alert = uialertview(); //alert.title = "enter website"; // alert.alertviewstyle = uialertviewstyle.plaintextinput // alert.addb //alert.addbutton(withtitle: "done") //alert.addbutton(withtitle: "cancel") var s:string? var alert = uialertcontroller(title: "alert", message: "enter website block", preferredstyle: uialertcontrollerstyle.alert) alert.addtextfield { (text) in text.placeholder = "http://"; s=text.text } let action = uialertaction(title: "done", style: uialertactionstyle.default) { (action: uialertaction) in guard let s = alert.textfields?[0].text else{ return } //var c = ["action":["type": "block"], "trigger":["url-filter":s]]; //print(c) let path = bundle.main.path(forresource: "blockerlist", oftype: "json")! var readstring = "" // used store file contents { // read file contents readstring = try string.init(contentsof: url(fileurlwithpath: path)) //readstring = fileurl.absolutestring // readstring = try string(contentsofurl: fileurl) } catch let error nserror { print("failed reading url: \(url(fileurlwithpath: path)), error: " + error.localizeddescription) } // var size = (readstring.characters.count - 1) //print("the end index \(readstring.endindex)") print("------------------------") readstring = readstring.replacingoccurrences(of: "]", with: "") // print(readstring.endindex) // readstring = string(readstring.characters.droplast()) print(readstring) print("--------------------------") // readstring.remove(at: readstring.endindex) // readstring = readstring.substring(to: readstring.index(before: readstring.endindex)) readstring += ",{\"action\":{\"type\":\"block\"},\"trigger\":{\"url-filter\":\"" + s+"\"}}]" print("file text: \(readstring)") // let filename = "blockerlist" // let documentdirurl = try! filemanager.default.url(for: ., in: .userdomainmask, appropriatefor: nil, create: true) // let fileurl = documentdirurl.appendingpathcomponent(filename).appendingpathextension("json") print("filepath: \(path)") let filehandler = try! filehandle(forwritingto: url(fileurlwithpath: path)) //filehandler. //filehandler.seektoendoffile() filehandler.write( string.encoding.utf8, allowlossyconversion: false)!) // filehandler.write("hello".data(using: string.encoding.utf8, allowlossyconversion: false)!) // filehandler.write( string.encoding.utf8, allowlossyconversion: false)!) filehandler.closefile() var readstring1 = "" // used store file contents { // read file contents readstring1 = try string.init(contentsof: url(fileurlwithpath: path)) //readstring = fileurl.absolutestring // readstring = try string(contentsofurl: fileurl) } catch let error nserror { print("failed reading url: \(url(fileurlwithpath: path)), error: " + error.localizeddescription) } print("file text: \(readstring1)") let blockeridentifier = "saltaim.selfcontrol2.blocker" sfcontentblockermanager.reloadcontentblocker(withidentifier: blockeridentifier) {error in if error == nil { print("success") } else { print("----------------------------------------------") print(error) print("----------------------------------------------") } } } let action2 = uialertaction(title: "cancel", style: uialertactionstyle.cancel) { (uialertaction) in self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil) } alert.addaction(action) alert.addaction(action2) self.present(alert, animated: true, completion: nil) //self.viewc //presentedviewcontroller(alert) //alert.adda // } override func didreceivememorywarning() { super.didreceivememorywarning() // dispose of resources can recreated. } func numberofsections(in tableview: uitableview) -> int { return 1 } func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, numberofrowsinsection section: int) -> int { return arr.count } func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, heightforrowat indexpath: indexpath) -> cgfloat { return 50 } func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, cellforrowat indexpath: indexpath) -> uitableviewcell { // code here // let cell = uitableviewcell(style: uitableviewcellstyle.default, reuseidentifier: "cell") var site = arr[(indexpath nsindexpath).item] let cell = mytableviewcell(num: (indexpath nsindexpath).item,site: site, style: uitableviewcellstyle.default, reuseidentifier: "cell") cell.delegate = self; // let cell = mytableviewcell(style: uitableviewcellstyle.default, reuseidentifier: "cell") // = arr[(indexpath nsindexpath).item] // let cell1 = mytableviewcell(); // let cell = mytablev //cell.t //let cell1 = tableview.dequeuereusablecell(withidentifier: "cell") //cell.textlabel?.text = "hello" //cell.textlabel?.text = arr[(indexpath nsindexpath).item] return cell; } }
i ran similar issue when wrote own content blocker. when create content-blocker extension create json file extension reads from. now, important part extension reads file located in extension's bundle directory.
from can see writing json file in main app bundle , reloading content blocker. content blocker looks @ file in it's own directory (again, seperate main bundle directory) , loads json file.
to resolve this, need write file changes json file located in extensions bundle directory.
here's example:
let groupurl: nsurl = filemanager.containerurlforsecurityapplicationgroupidentifier("")! if let path = nsurl(string: "blockerlist.json", relativetourl: groupurl) { // write json data path here sfcontentblockermanager.reloadcontentblockerwithidentifier("", completionhandler: nil) }
another important thing note you'll have request special permissons read , write extension's bundle.
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