python - Logging Formatter record current function executing -

in python logging want record function executing/running. example;

class foo:     def bar(self):"i'm alive") # writes log: '[info]: foo::bar(), i'm alive' 

is possible configure logger this? ie, create formatter find out?

logging.config.dictconfig({     'version': 1,     'disable_existing_loggers': false,     'formatters': {         'standard': {             'format': '[%(levelname)s] %(function_name)s: %(message)s'         },     },     ... }) 

you can adding information context record of logger. this, need define own contextfilter class , add instance of logger. notice in order class name, depend on convention of calling self instance of class, , not using arguments of other functions (it based on question how-to-retrieve-class-information-from-a-frame-object). notice work-around not able determine class of internalfunc because not have self argument. see code below.

import inspect import logging   def get_class_from_frame(fr):     args, _, _, value_dict = inspect.getargvalues(fr)     if len(args) , args[0] == 'self':         instance = value_dict.get('self', none)         if instance:             return getattr(instance, '__class__', none)     return 'noclass'  class contextfilter(logging.filter):     """     filter injects contextual information log.     """     def filter(self, record):         #we adding function field logger record              mystack = inspect.stack()[5]         record.function = '%s::%s'%(get_class_from_frame(mystack[0]), mystack[3])         return true  def buildlogger():     logger = logging.getlogger("root")     #now use function field in format     myformat = '[%(levelname)s] %(function)s: "%(message)s"'      formatter = logging.formatter(myformat)     # add instance of contextfilter logger         myfilter = contextfilter()     logger.addfilter(myfilter)     ch = logging.streamhandler()     ch.setformatter(formatter)     logger.addhandler(ch)     logger.propagate = false     return logger  # testing  def mystandalonefunction():     logger.warning('this logged mystandalonefunction')  class a():     def afunc(self):         def internalfunc():             logger.warning('this logged inside internalfunc call')         logger.warning('this logged inside afunc call')         internalfunc()   logger = buildlogger()  logger.warning('this logged module level') mystandalonefunction() = a() a.afunc() 


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