android - How to fix Adapter when listview is scroll -

i want position testview left , right if user sender, position left else postion right work fine when scroll or down position every thing right here code

string myisme="1"; private int self = 100;   public chatdisplayadapter(context c, arraylist<string> id, arraylist<string> fname, arraylist<string> lname, arraylist<string> time, arraylist<string> senderid, arraylist<string> sendtoid, arraylist<string> sticker,arraylist<string> pic) {     this.mcontext = c; = id;     this.firstname = fname;     this.lastname = lname;     this.chattime = time;     this.chatsenderid = senderid;     this.chatsendtoid = sendtoid;     this.chatsticker = sticker;     this.chatpic_pic = pic;  }  public int getcount() {     // todo auto-generated method stub     return id.size();  }  public object getitem(int position) {     // todo auto-generated method stub     return null; }  public long getitemid(int position) {     chatsenderid.get(position);     if (chatsenderid.get(position).tostring().equals(""+myisme+""))  {         return self;     }      // todo auto-generated method stub     return 0; }   public view getview(int pos, view child, viewgroup parent) {     holder mholder;     if (child == null) {      //   child = layoutinflater.from(mcontext).inflate(r.layout.chat_display_item, parent, false);         layoutinflater layoutinflater;         layoutinflater = (layoutinflater) mcontext.getsystemservice(context.layout_inflater_service);         final boolean isme = chatsenderid.get(pos).equals(myisme);         if (isme) {             child = layoutinflater.inflate(r.layout.list_item_message_out, null);              // if  me open , set left           //  mholder.body.setgravity(gravity.center_vertical | gravity.right);           //  mholder.txt_chat.setbackgroundresource(r.drawable.chat_item_bg_out);          }else {           //  mholder.body.setgravity(gravity.center_vertical | gravity.left);           //  mholder.txt_chat.setbackgroundresource(r.drawable.chat_item_bg_in);             child = layoutinflater.inflate(r.layout.list_item_message_in, null);         }          mholder = new holder();         mholder.body =(linearlayout) child.findviewbyid(;         mholder.txt_chat = (emojitextview) child.findviewbyid(;         mholder.txt_time = (textview) child.findviewbyid(;         mholder.txt_timest = (textview) child.findviewbyid(;         mholder.ts = (textview) child.findviewbyid(;         mholder.mysticker = (imageview) child.findviewbyid(;         mholder.imagechat = (imageview) child.findviewbyid(;         mholder.chat_pic_body = (relativelayout) child.findviewbyid(;         mholder.txt_timepic = (textview) child.findviewbyid(;          child.settag(mholder);     } else {         mholder = (holder) child.gettag();     }         mholder.txt_timest.settext(chattime.get(pos));          mholder.txt_time.settext(chattime.get(pos));        // mholder.txt_chat.settext(firstname.get(pos));         mholder.txt_chat.setemojitext(firstname.get(pos));           return child;  }   public class holder {     textview txt_id;      emojitextview txt_chat;     textview txt_time;     textview txt_timest,txt_timepic;      textview txt_fname;     textview txt_lname;     textview ts;     textview mychatsyncsts;     imageview mysticker,imagechat;      linearlayout body;     relativelayout chat_pic_body;  } 


i want sender test right receiver left


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