Unique_together and OneToOne field constraints error catching in django form -
i have model:
class person(models.model): name = models.charfield(max_length=250) slug = autoslugfield(populate_from='name') birth_date = models.datefield(null=true, blank=true) blood_group = models.charfield(max_length=5) present_address = models.charfield(max_length=250, blank=true) permanent_address = models.charfield(max_length=250, blank=true) user = models.onetoonefield( settings.auth_user_model, related_name='member_persons') class meta: ordering = ['name'] unique_together = ['name', 'birth_date']
you see above model has 2 constraints: 1 unique user , unique_together name , birth_date fields. want when submit create form simultaneously check both unique user same name , birth date people can't submit form. when happens should show appropriate errors in form fields. of other thread of so far write clean method follows:
def clean(self): user = get_user(self.request) name = self.cleaned_data.get('name') birth_date = self.cleaned_data.get('birth_date') if person.objects.filter(user=user).exists(): self.add_error('name', "you submitted data") elif person.objects.filter(name=name, birth_date=birth_date).exists(): self.add_error('name', "this name , birth date exists") return self.cleaned_data
it worked fine , responding both of field constraints. question method efficient? if not suggest better method that. using class-based view.
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