casting - Type 'Any' has no subscript members AND Value of type 'Any' has no member 'Count' -

i receiving following 2 errors below when creating array of strings in swift 3.0 on xcode8:

  1. value of type 'any' has no member 'count'

    • original code: return tododata.count
    • "fixed" with: return (tododata anyobject).count
  2. type 'any' has no subscript members

    • original code: if let text = tododata[indexpath.row] {

see full code below:

let tododata = userdefaults.standard.value(forkey: "todosarray")  override func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, numberofrowsinsection section: int) -> int {     if let tododata = tododata {         return tododata.count  //error 1.     } else {         return 0     } }  override func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, cellforrowat indexpath: indexpath) -> uitableviewcell {     let cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecell(withidentifier: "reuseidentifier", for: indexpath) as! tableviewcell      if let tododata = tododata {         if let text = tododata[indexpath.row] {  //error 2.             cell.label.text = text as? string         }     }     return cell } 

your issue

is here:

let tododata = userdefaults.standard.value(forkey: "todosarray") 

the compiler has inferred type of tododatato any?, because line calls userdefaults override of nsobject method value(forkey:), returns any?. can see option-clicking variable. type any? doesn't have property count, or subscript takes int.

the naive solution cast it:

let tododata = userdefaults.standard.value(forkey: "todosarray") as? [todo] 

but better option replace value(forkey:) call array(forkey:), cast you:

let tododata = userdefaults.standard.array(forkey: "todosarray") 

as side note...

this code:

override func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, numberofrowsinsection section: int) -> int {     if let tododata = tododata {         return tododata.count  //error 1.     } else {         return 0     } } 

can expressed more as:

override func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, numberofrowsinsection section: int) -> int {     return tododata.count ?? 0 } 

this uses null coalescing operator (??). can find out more that, here.

and code:

override func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, cellforrowat indexpath: indexpath) -> uitableviewcell {     let cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecell(withidentifier: "reuseidentifier", for: indexpath) as! tableviewcell      if let tododata = tododata {         if let text = tododata[indexpath.row] {  //error 2.             cell.label.text = text as? string         }     }     return cell } 

can rewritten as:

override func tableview(_ tableview: uitableview, cellforrowat indexpath: indexpath) -> uitableviewcell {     let cell = tableview.dequeuereusablecell(withidentifier: "reuseidentifier", for: indexpath) as! tableviewcell     cell.label.text = tododata?[indexpath.row] as? string     return cell } 

this uses subscripting optional chaining. can read more that, here.


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